Portfolio project via the Milwaukee Portfolio School. Scope of project was to create three print ads, three outdoor ads, and one guerrilla marketing tactic. We were to utilize words to formulate ideas on creating an effective marketing campaign. Through research of Lake Express's services, there aren't any restrictions on bringing items with you onto the ferry. So the basis of my idea is bringing as much stuff with you as you can. The print ads reflect a travel luggage that's fitting everything in the page, whether it be personal belongings, medieval artifacts, or car tools. The outdoor signs reflect the same manner if one were to bring a vehicle strapped with their belongings. The items sticking outside the border of the ad displays the amount of items you can bring. The idea is then used to engage with shoppers at big box stores where the cart act as a luggage where perhaps if a customer is planning on going across the ferry, might as well buy some stuff to bring with them over the trip. It delivers for both the ferry company and the big box corporation.

Outdoor 2

Outdoor 3

Outdoor 1