The Sandy and Toddcast is a podcast started by two friends, Todd and Sandy, that covers all things weird, strange, and paranormal... with a mix of goof-ins.
Todd became a fan of my art since he first discovered my work online. He knew instantly what he wanted and came to me, knowing I can deliver a solution. Todd wanted to see how my illustrated rendition of him would look along with Sandy, whom he always wanted to start a podcast with.
Podcast Logo used for online and broadcast use. Client's inspiration were mystery animations in the 60s, specifically Scooby Doo! My process were to draw the hosts of the podcast, my client included, in the style of Scooby Doo and transition the artwork for vector production. I replaced the letter "O" in Todd's name to draw out a microphone. An idea of a microphone can also be seen in the "C" in Cast overlapping in with the "I" in Stay Weird to give a hint of "Join our podcast". Logo is also implemented with client's main brand logo in a 30 second podcast intro clip.
Enjoy on Spotify:

30 Second Podcast Intro with main brand line clip created with After Effects CC